Circle of Security Parenting®

Dayspring Trust is a Registered Agency for Circle of Security Parenting© DVD.

The Circle of Security® is an innovative intervention program designed to alter the developmental pathway of parents and their young children.

The Circle of Security® integrates over fifty years of early childhood attachment research into a video-based intervention to strengthen parents ability to observe and improve their caregiving capacity. Attachment theory, through the Circle of Security®, offers clear, individualized pathways for providing a secure relationship between parent and child.

Circle of Security has established an eight week DVD parenting education programme, offering the core components of the evidenced-based and internationally acclaimed COS® protocol

Every Child comes into the world seeking a secure relationship with her/his caregivers. A secure attachment between child and caregiver is critical to a child’s current and future well-being. The Circle of Security© program helps promote that security.

Parents/Caregivers will learn to:

  • Build a secure base/haven relationship with their child.

  • Shift their focus from behaviour management to enhancing the quality of the relationship with their child.

  • The skill of self-reflection.

  • Video examples will help to support increased increased empathy in parents/caregivers for their child.

  • Identify new options to manage emotions.

  • They will learn step-by-step approaches for promoting secure attachment in their children.

  • How to support their child’s emotional needs.

Click here to watch a video overview of the programme: Video Overview of COSP – Circle of Security International

For more information about Circle of Security© go to: Circle of Security International – Early Intervention Program for Parents and Children

8 week Programme
Cost: $184

TERM 3 Programme Details:

Every Wednesday from 31 July – 18 September 2024
Venue: Dayspring Trust, 2A Seabrook Ave, New Lynn

​We have an on-site creche available for your 0-3’s (morning group only). The cost is $16 per family for the 8 week programme duration.

Registration for this programme and the creche is essential.

Circle of Security is delivered by trained and registered Circle of Security Facilitators.

Weekly COS-P approved Fidelity Supervision is provided for facilitators of this programme.

Want to learn more? Contact us